Friday, June 8, 2012


Leadership Training Center

Whittier, CA

FCCI Ministries joins in on the celebration of our Leadership Bible Institute recognizing our 2nd year of operation at it's present location in the Village Professional Center (1st floor) at 13225 Philadelphia Street, Whittier, CA 90601.

"2011 was an extraordinary year for the Leadership Institute, we have seen a number of Pastors and other Ministry Leaders come through the Institute. Being equipped in 'organizational leadership'" Says Dr. Ralph Pacheco, Head Master of the Institute.

The Leadership Institute was established to provide Christians who know they have a call on their lives to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and are being raised up in the "five fold ministry."  Apostles, prophets, teachers, pastors, and evangelists. Plus those with individual specialized area of ministry (i.e., healing, deliverance, benevolence ministry).

"The Lord impressed on me a number of years ago to offer this specialized training for those who realize God has them on a 'fast track,' they have a supernatural sense of urgency, that there is no time to waste. These select also feel there is no settling for the status quo in the church, but that there is more the church can and should be doing in advancing the Kingdom of God." Says Dr. Pacheco.

These saints need a place where they will not be prejudged or thought of as unusual merely because they do not fit in with the organized / institutionalized church of today. They are NOT in rebellion, they are just not a good fit for what we are calling church today.

God is transforming church fellowships from an "audience" into an "army." We are not talking about "equippig the saints" we are talking about the next step, "developing the saints." It is the difference between holding a Bible Study and Training out in the Mission Field, with hands on experience.

Jesus speaks of  having,  "Understanding"(ref., Mark 4:13), there is Understanding (Gk: Oidate) which reflects an "Intuitive Comprehension" of the Word of God, and a second understanding (Gk: Gnostheses) having an "Experiencial Comprehension" of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Members / Students of the Leadership Institute recognie that there is more to church than just sitting in church on a Wednesday night or Sunday morning listening to a bible study or sermon... They realize the Lord desires to "activate" the saints to the work of the ministry. It is not reserved just for the pastor and other ordained ministers, but it is the call of every Believer to be "Ambassadors of Christ" and "Ministers of Reconciliation."

If you are reading this message, and you believe you see yourself in that place where you are saying, "Lord, I know there is more you have in store for me, and I believe you desire to raise me up to serve you in the ministry,"  than you are exactly at the right place! You may contact us at the ministry and you are welcome to inquire further about enrolling in the Institute. The Leadership Course is offered at No Charge (No Tuition) to those who are what we call at the Institute, "Pregnant with Expectancy... Knowing God desires to bring spiritual Impartation and Activation into your life for Ministry!"

-- The Rev. Dr. Ralph Pacheco
Founder of the Leadership Bible Institute

1 comment:

  1. I Praise The Lord For Answering My Hearts Desire.
    To meet up with an Apostle That Will Teach Us As Leaders Gods Heavenly Wisdom and Knowledge To Move In Our Gifts For Christ Sake.
    -Frank Guerrero
