Thursday, August 19, 2010


- Whittier, CA

9/11 -- Is soon approaching!
The 7th Annual Patriot's Breakfast & Charity Banquet - Planning Committee is in full swing.

The American Red Cross (Rio Hondo Chapter) Whittier - GRAND BALLROOM
(Pictured to the right) will no doubt be filling up to capacity!

The reservations are pouring in and we anticipate a Sell Out Gathering on 9/11.

Here is a brief update of things confirmed for this year's "9/11 Memorial Observance Event."

  • Guest Speaker: Whittier Mayor Greg Nordbak.
  • Introduction & Welcome: Hon. Joe Vinatieri. (Past Patriot Awardee).
  • Flag Salute: Hon. Tim Schneider (Past Patriot Awardee).
  • Invocation: Rev. Jim Ortiz (Past Patriot Awardee).
  • Master of Ceremonies: Dr. Ralph & Deborah Pacheco.
  • Honorary Chairs: Hon. Joe Vinatieri (Past Patriot Awardee), Hon. Betty Putnam, Hon. Cathy Warner.
  • Inspirational Praise Music: FCCI's The Quarry Worship Team.
  • Soloist: David Krake
  • 2010 Patriot Award Honorees: Patriot of the Year Lee Hardeman, Other 2010 Honorees: Sandy Thorstenson, Christine Chacon Sullivan, Gloria Duran, Octavio "Toby" Chavez, and Veronica Hernandez.
  • Venue: The Grand Ballroom, American Red Cross.
  • Breakfast Catered by: The King's Table Catering Service.

For Reservations (seats / tables of 8), Please contact Patriot's Co-Host/Founder: Deborah Pacheco at: 562 322 3118. (Limited Seating, make reservations early).

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dr. Pacheco's Ministry Dates August / September 2010

September 18, 2010
8: 00 A.M. Pastor's & Minster's Breakfast
Locatiom: Bethel Temple Church, (Rosemead, CA)
Host: Pastor Larry Tamez
September 11, 2010
8:30 A.M. Patriot's Award Breakfast & Charity Banquet
Location: American Red Cross, (Whittier, CA)
Host: Dr. Ralph & Deborah Pacheco
August 29, 2010
10:30 A.M. Sunday Service -
Location: Evangelical United Methodist Church, (East Whittier, CA)
Host: Pastor Dwight Sullivan
August 26, 2010
11:30 A.M. Ministry Outreach: "Disaster Preparedness" Event
Location: Heritage Park, (Santa Fe Springs, CA)
Host: American Red Cross (Rio Hondo Chapter) Whittier, CA
August 22, 2010
10:30 A.M. Sunday Service
Location: Scattering Seed Outreach Church (Whittier, CA)
Host: David Magallanes
August 8, 2010
10:30 A.M. Sunday Service
Location: Miracle Outreach Church, (Norwalk, CA)
Host: Pastor Eddie Rodriguez
For further Information Call: FCCI Ministries 562 946 1410

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Thursday, July 29th, 2010
7:00 P.M.
Pastor Mario Guerra
The Way Ministries
Highland Park, CA
Whittier, CA
Dr. Ralph Pacheco (FCCI Ministries), is pleased to announce the First Anniversary of the "GATHERING" at Whittier Area House of Prayer.
"It has been a tremendous year... So many people's lives have been touched through these Gatherings. I thank God and praise His Holy Name, He is faithful to refresh, restore, and reactivate the saints who needed His touch, and to encourage the many ministers who come to fellowship with their fellow ministers and the Holy Spirit." Says Dr. Pacheco.
All of those individuals and ministries who have been a part of the Gatherings over this past year are invited to come and participate in this special evening. There will be food & refreshments, The FCCI Quarry Worship Team will be leading the praise & worship Service.
Pastor Mario Guerra and his ministry (The Way) will be joining us on this evening to share a special message to the ministers, pastors, and other "five-fold" ministers in attendance.
For more information call the FCCI Ministry Office: 562 946 1410. Whittier Area House of Prayer located at: 12603 Beverly Blvd. at Pickering Ave.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Norwalk, CA

Dr. Ralph Pacheco
The (FCCI) Quarry Worship Team,
and FCCI Ministry Team
Inivited Guests
Norwalk, CA
Sunday, July 25th, 2010
12:00 Noon
Host: Pastor Eddie Rodriguez
For further information contact:
FCCI Ministries 562 946 1410

Friday, July 9, 2010


Highland Park, CA

Dr. Ralph Pacheco,
Founder of First Christian Church International (FCCI Ministries),
the (FCCI) Quarry Worship Team,
and the FCCI Ministry Team are invited to Minister at
The Way Ministries
Church Services in Highland Park (CA)
on July 22, 2010
7:00 P.M.
For further information contact: FCCI Ministries, 562 946 1410.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Evangelical United Methodist Church / Whittier
Invited Guest Speaker
Rev. Dr. Ralph Pacheco
First Christian Church International
FCCI Ministries
Sunday Morning Worship Service, August 29th, 2010
10:00 A.M.
More Information Call:
FCCI Ministries 562 946 1410


JULY 11th, 2010
9:30 A.M.
Rev. Dr. Ralph Pacheco
First Christian Church International
(FCCI Ministries)
The Quarry Worship
~FCCI Ministry Team~
Host: Pastor David Magallanes
12217 Philadelphia
Whittier, CA
(One Block East of Whittier Blvd.)
For Further Information Call:
FCCI Ministries 562 946 1410

Monday, July 5, 2010




(Rio Hondo Chapter)

Whittier, California

FCCI Ministries & the LC Foundation, Inc. are proud to announce the location of the 7th Annual Patriot's Award Event at the Grand Ballroom of the American Red Cross (Rio Hondo Chapter) 6706 Friends Ave., Whittier, CA (Uptown Whittier). Saturday, September 11th "9/11", 2010.

The Grand Ballroom at the historic American Red Cross facility in Uptown Whittier was built in 1931. The Spanish style building's Grand Ballroom has been host to many community events in its close to 80 years of community service, including performances by (U.S. President) Richard & Pat Nixon in the early 1930's.

The 2010 Patriot's Award Planning Committee has switched the event from a luncheon to a breakfast to accommodate more of our Guest's schedule on a Saturday morning. The Patriot's Breakfast schedule, Check in: at 8:00 A.M., Breakfast & Awards Program: 8:30 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. Our guests will have the rest of their Saturday morning and afternoon to enjoy. (Catering of the Breakfast shall be performed by the King's Table Catering Service.)
"I am very excited to be working with the leadership team at the American Red Cross (Rio Hondo Chapter) in Whittier. Our theme for this "9/11 Memorial Observance Event" shall include our salute to the American Red Cross' National Service. I believe this will be the finest event we will have held in its seven year history." Says, Dr. Ralph Pacheco, Pastor of FCCI Ministries & President of the LC Foundation, Inc.
For more information & Reservations call: Deborah Pacheco (562) 322-3118 or Dr. Ralph Pacheco (562) 233-7236.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Dr. Ralph Pacheco Guest Speaker ~ July 11th

Whittier, CA

Dr. Ralph Pacheco, FCCI Ministries along with The Quarry Worship, and FCCI Ministry Team will be visiting with Scattering Seed Fellowship.

Scattering Seed Fellowship's Senior Pastor David Magallanes, has invited Dr. Pacheco and his Worship team, and Ministry Team to come and hold services on Sunday, July 11, 2010.

During FCCI's visit on May 29th at the "Love Your Enemy" Conference" hosted by Scattering Seed Fellowship, the believers in attendance were profoundly moved by the Worship, ministry of the Word and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Many lives were changed that day. Pastor Magallanes has invited Dr. Pacheco to return and share with the Sunday worshippers.

For further information about this special service being held, you may contact: FCCI Ministries, 562 946 1410.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Whittier, CA

"9/11" 2010, marks the 7th Annual PATRIOT'S AWARD Luncheon & CHARITY Banquet. The LC Foundation in collaboration with FCCI Ministries are co-hosting this year's "9/11" Memorial Observance Event.

The net proceeds from this year's banquet are being earmarked for supporting the Women's Home & Shelter in Uptown Whittier, (A Ministry of the King's Table Ministries), under the direction of Pastor Pauline & Joey Alvarado.

LC Foundation Founder & President Dr. Ralph Pacheco speaks fondly of this ministry, "The Women's Home in Whittier under the direction of Pastor Pauline Alvarado is a great work. The women enrolled in the program and are residents of the home are receiving love, nurturing, and a guiding hand in getting their lives back on track. I appaude the work of the Women's Home and am proud to be a supporter of this ministry."

The 7th Annual Event is scheduled on Saturday, September 11th, 2010. "9/11" a day that will live in infamy. The day the United States was attacked by Islamic extremists, and the day that thousands of brave souls lost their lives. Many of whom were some of New York City's finest, Firefighters, Police personnel, and other First Responders. The "Patriot's Luncheon" was established in 2004 to recognize, remember, and pay tribute to the memory of so many brave individuals who gave their last measure to try and save thousands of others in New York City, at the Pentagon, and in a quiet field in Pennsylvania.

The Patriot's Award is given to deserving individuals in the greater Whittier (CA), they are, "Citizens in the Greater Whittier area who have demonstrated their love of God, Country, and Neighbor through Community Service."

Watch for further news on the names of people who are being selected as Awardees for the 2010 Patriot's Awards.

Please mark your calendars, and wait for further news about the location for this Year's Patriot's Award event. For More Information contact: Dr. Ralph Pacheco, Host 562 9461410 Office, or Deborah Pacheco, Co-Host 562 322 3118.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Whittier, CA

Saturday, May 22nd marked the 3rd year Churches throughout Whittier (CA) came together to Serve the Lord through "community projects."

18 churches in Whittier participated in the "City-wide" Serve Weekend. Lee Hardeman and Colleen Marks (WACC) headed the organizing of the local churches in preparing for this weekend and also secured a small grant from the Rose Hills Foundation to assist in paying for materials needed to make repairs to homes, etc.

Dr. Ralph Pacheco, President of the LC Foundation and benefactor to the King's Table Ministries in Whittier (Pastors Joey & Pauline Alvarado, Co-Founders) -- Woman's Home was delighted to see the efforts put forth by Plymouth Congregational Church (Pastor Dan Pryor) at the Women's Shelter & Home in Whittier. Dr. Pacheco commented, "They repaired cracked & broken windows in the home, landscaped the front of the home with new flowers, installed an automated sprinkler system, and laid some brick for a new pad for a outdoor picnic table. 60 volunteers from Plymouth showed up to lend a hand. They were all ages ranging from 3rd graders (8 years old), to Senior members of the church. Plymouth's Youth Leaders Joe & Sandy Vinatieri, who do an outstanding job in training the youth group directed (approx.) 20 youth in preparing the front yard for the new landscape, the 8, 9, 10 & 11 year olds were just remarkable!"

New friendships were made this day. The testimonies of some of the women in the home were very touching and inspiring to hear about how the Lord Jesus Christ has made all the difference in their lives. The women in the home were overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity of God's people who came to bless the Women's home as their service on Serve Weekend. Pastor Joey Alavarado addressed the volunteers, "Words cannot express my feelings towards all of you, and what you have done for the Women's Home today ... Thank you!" -- Glory to God.

May much good fruit result from the giving hearts of the saints at Plymouth Congregational Church in Whittier. Truly, it was a "labor of love..."

Donations for the King's Table Min. Women's Shelter & Home may be sent (payable) to: The LC Foundation, 13502 Whittier Blvd., Suite H, Whittier, CA 90605. Check Memo: Whittier Women' Shelter & Home. For further Information about the Women's Home or how to give donations, please call: 562 946 1410.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Stephanie's House Grand Opening ~ Mother's Day

West Whittier, CA

On October 6, 2009 the remains of Staphanie Almanza were found at the bottom of a commercial garbage bin that had been set on fire in Santa Fe Springs, CA.

Stephanie was apparently the victim of a drug deal gone bad. A 21 year old young mother of two hooked on meth who life was taken from her and her dead body left to burn in a dumpster.

The death of Stephanie had a profund effect on her family's home church; My Friend's House (MFH) AOG Church in West Whittier. Her family has been members for many years. The tragic loss of this young woman was a blow to members of the MFH family and grieved the Pastors of the church.

Enter Pastor Pauline Alvarado, wife to Pastor Joey Alvarado of King's Table Ministries. It was at a 24 hour prayer vigil on Oct. 10th four days after Stephanie's remains had been found and identified that the Menin their Men's Home & Ministry had been assisting MFH Church in their weekly food distribution that they heard of the death of Stephanie. They requested prayer for her family and her church family at MFH at the prayer vigil. Pastor Pauline moved by this tragic story of Stephanie was moved by the Spirit of God to think of the dozens and hundreds of Stephanies that are still out on the streets with nowhere to turn... If only there was a place where these women could go for shelter, prayer, and restoration. Glory to God, this would be a blessing to these needy women. However, was Pastor Pauline ready to commit to such a large task? Such a huge undertaking? Had she let go of her own pain and sorrow over past hurts in dealing with women in the ministry who then turned on her and abandoned her leaving her heart broken and in a shambles? Could Pauline bring herself to take such a leap of faith to open her heart and hands to do this work? Only God could answer these questions... which he did.

It was shortly thereafter that Mrs. Pacheco and I met with Pastor Pauline and Joey Alvarado to discuss the feasibility of opening a Women's Home in the Whittier area. This was in late October, 2009. By December, 2009 the decision to open the 1st Women's Home in Uptown Whittier was made, counting the financial support and efforts of the LC Foundation, Inc.

On March, 17th FCCI Minstries called for a 24 hour prayer vigil to prayer for the new Women's Home in Whittier and also for the scheduled Evangelistic Trip planned for Kansas. On Wednesday, March 17th (St. Patrick's Day) a 24 hour prayer vigil was held at Whittier Area House of Prayer. Exactly 2 weeks to the day after this prayer vigil, on March 31st, 2010 Pastor Jim Ortiz, Senior Pastor of MFH, turns over the keys to the 2nd Women's Home under the care of Pastor Pauline Alvarado, "Stephanie's House."

The Lord God certainly moves in mysterious ways. We prayed for a blessing for the 1st Women;s Home, and God opens the door to a second Women's Home. Coincidence? Or, Divine providence? I would subscribe to the latter. God had already placed the burden for the establishment of the Womens Homes on the heart of Pastor Pauline Alvarado back on Oct. 10, 2009. And then as God would have it he began to bless what had been established in His Honor, for all Glory goes to God, and not to man.

Pray dear ones for both of these Homes... That the Lord will provide for all of the Womens Home's needs according to His riches in Glory ... Amen!

-- Dr. Ralph Pacheco

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dr. Ralph Pacheco Guest Speaker "Love Your Enemy" Conference

Whittier, CA

Pastor David Magallanes, Scattering Seeds Christian Fellowship is hosting the "Love Your Enemy" Conference on Saturday, May 29th, 2010. from 10:00 A.M. to 12 Noon... Dr. Ralph Pacheco with FCCI Ministries is the Guest Speaker who will be bringing this thought provoking series to the Believers in attendance at this conference.

Scattering Seeds Fellowship is located at: 12217 Philadelphia Ave., Whittier, CA (Parking adjacent to the Church entrance -- across the Street).

"It is an extraordinary opportunity to share with the Body of Christ what it truly means to possess the Love that Jesus taught us to have in this day and age," says Dr. Pacheco, "I pray that this conference will have an impact on the lives of those who come and participate ... Jesus taught us to Love our Enemies, not an easy task. It is only through the Love of Christ that Christians can truly find Kingdom Mercy; the Power of God's Forgiveness to Love your enemy..."

Dr. Pacheco will bring a profound message of Love & Reconciliation to those who come to the conference. "To Love one's enemy requires a supernatural ability to see beyond the natural circumstances that exist between men and nations, Wars could be avoided if the emnity that exists between two nations could be dispelled or one party finds the power to forgive another..."

For further information about the upcoming Conference (free admission), contact: FCCI Ministries @ 562 946 1410 or toll free line: 888 545 2008

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Dr. Ralph Pacheco
Pastor Joey Alvarado
& "88" Evangelistic Team Members
Returned from Denver, Detroit, Atlanta, and Houston


Whittier, CA

Thursday nights in Whittier mark the evenings that First Christian Church International (FCCI Ministries) invites "Five-Fold Ministers" from around Southern California to come and participate with us in a powerful service time with the Lord.
We have had many guest speakers since we began holding these "Gatherings" last June of 2009.

No two Thursday nights have been the same. There is a dynamic "expectancy" among those who come out on Thursday nights. The "Faith" released in these services is tremendous. Many have received their healings of many diseases, and many have received a baptism in the Holy Spirit.

The pastors and other five fold ministers who attend regularly are there to model the ministry, bring impartation and to establish "new ministers" that the Lord is raising up in our midst. Several of these individuals who are being blessed
are enrolled in the Leadership Bible Institute that holds classes at the Whittier Area House of Prayer on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. These classes are conducted by Dr. Ralph Pacheco, President & Coach of the Leadership Bible Institute.

We encourage those who are interested in having a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit and desire to be activated into their "Divine destiny" come and be a part of what the Lord is doing at the Whittier Area House of Prayer at 12603 Beverly Blvd., Whittier, CA on Thursday nights. Services begin at 7:00 P.M.


Whittier, CA

Deborah and I are back from our trip to New Mexico and Kansas. The time sent was well worth the trip. We felt that the Lord was with us throughout our stay. As I had mentioned to those who are connected to our ministry; We journey to Topeka, KS on January 1, 2010. We went to the birthplace of the pentecostal movement, 335 SW Jackson St. where Charles Parham had his Bible Institute and Healing rooms. It was on January 1, 1901, that a student of the Bible Institute was "Baptized in the Spirit" with evidence of speaking in other tongues. Some Bible historians refer to this event as the "Baptism heard around the World." Bro. Parham moved to Houston, Texas circa 1904/05, where William Seymour attended one of his Bible Institute classes, shortly before William Seymour left Houston for Southern California in 1905 he asked Bro. Parham to pray over him for the "baptism of the Holy Spirit." It was on April 14, 1906 that William Seymour was used by the Lord to ignite the "Azusa Street Revival" in Los Angeles California. This "Outpouring" of God's Spirit lasted until around 1913 or approximately 7 years.

It is recorded that a "team" from Azusa Street visited the Uptown Whittier (CA) area in the Fall of 1906 and revival broke out in the Whittier community. Our ministry holds its Thursday night Bible Services in Uptown Whittier, not far from where the Azusa St. Team visited over a hundred years ago. Whittier is ready for another "Revival!" Praise the Lord!

During our time in Kansas I had opportunity to do advance planning in setting up our Evangelistic Teams California trip to Kansas and other parts. I was well received by friends in the Churches in Kansas. I thank the Lord for His grace upon me as I was meeting with and speaking to church leaders in Kansas.

--- Dr. Ralph Pacheco