Friday, December 11, 2009


Happy Holidays
from FCCI Ministries
(Whittier, CA)

Dr. Ralph & Deborah Pacheco, Founders

We wish all of our friends and colleagues inside and outside the ministry a blessing from our Lord Jesus Christ ...

You too have a Divine Destiny that our Lord wishes for you to fulfill. Seek Him into this New Year and He shall show you a Vision of your future in the Ministry of Jesus Christ ...

2009 has been a fabulous year in our ministry and we
praise our Lord Jesus Christ. God is Good!

The year started with a continuation of the Leadership Bible Institute Cohort # 1 in 2009. Later we added a Cohort # 2 with an offering in the making for a Cohort# 3 in early 2010. (Read previous blog postings.)

We continued to offer our Church growth consulting services to churches around southern California.

In June of 2009 Pastor Sylvia Barbosa offered to host a "Minister's gathering" at her home. It was well atttended by pastors and aspiring ministers. It was shortly thereafter that FCCI Ministries / Dr. Ralph Pacheco established his Thursday Night Bible Services at the Whittier Area House of Prayer. The first gathering took place on Thursday, July 30, 2009. These services which have focused on providing ministry training to aspiring ministers have blossomed. Dr. Pacheco's vision included a focus on 1.) healing and restoration, 2.) an infilling of God's power 3.) modeling the ministry 4) impartation and 5.) activation into the Gospel Ministry.

There is more to come in the new year ... 2010... Keep watch on the FCCI Ministries blogsite for ongoing updates of what the Lord is doing in and through His saints.

In the meantime, May the Lord bless you and keep you well and prosperous throughout this Holiday season and into this New Year... We all remember that, "Jesus is the reason for the season!" Amen.

For further information about the Ministry of Dr. Ralph & Deborah Pacheco, please visit the rest of this blogsite for the ministry and you may call Dr. Ralph Pacheco at his ministry phone line : 562 946 1410.

Monday, December 7, 2009

WHITTIER AREA PRAYER SUMMIT Coming Saturday, February 6, 2010

Whittier, CA

It has been 12 years since the Churches and Ministries of Whittier (CA) called for the first Whittier Area Prayer Summit. For the first few years the Whittier Clergy as part of the Whittier Area Evangelical Ministerial Alliance (WAEMA) hosted the prayer summit at the Whittier Hilton Hotel (now the Radisson). 9 years ago they moved the venue for the Annual event to the Salvation Army Center on Pickering Ave. in Whittier. The Prayer Summit has been held there ever since.

The prayer summit continues to attract larger numbers of Believers each year, approximately 500 Christians came out to pray throughout the day in 2009 . The Prayer Summit begins at 7:00 A.M. with praise and worship and continues in 20-30 minute in topical prayer segments throughout the day ending at 6:00 P.M. There is a different minister or ministers who assists in leading the prayer segments.

Local churches and ministries in the greater Whittier area are encouraged to participate in the Prayer Summit. There are currently over 30 churches & ministries that have been a part of this event over the past 12 years.

The upcoming Whittier Area Prayer Summit is scheduled for Saturday, February 6, 2010. It will be held at the Salvation Army Center on Pickering Ave. in Whittier (Just North of Whittier Blvd.). For further information call: Pastor Dwight Sullivan 562 944 8909, Summit Chairperson, or Dr. Ralph Pacheco 562 946 1410.

LEADERSHIP BIBLE INSTITUTE Leadership Training for the Ministry

Whittier, CA

The Leadership Bible Institute, since 1996, has been providing leadership training for the ministry to a generation of aspiring ministers. Dr. Ralph Pacheco, President and Coach of the Institute, instructs the students in the cohorts presently meeting on a weekly basis.

For the candidates who have been admitted into the "Leadership" cohorts the tuition is free. "The Lord impressed on me that this particular training course must be given away to those that God is raising up as leaders in the ministry," States Dr. Pacheco, "Freely I have given to you, and freely give to others the Lord says ..." Other courses are on the drawing board for 2010 / 2011 and there will be a modest registration & tuition fees for these other courses of study.

"I have been given clear direction from the Lord that the 'Leadership' course is for those ministry candidates who are 'pregnant with expectancy' -- There is a distinctive with these students that is plain to see, these candidates admitted into the program are not satisfied with the 'status quo' in the ministry, they know that God has intended more for His Church, and they desire to be equipped to meet the challenges facing the church over this next decade." Says Dr. Pacheco.

"We presently restrict admittance/enrollment to no more than 15 candidates per cohort." Says Dr. Pacheco.

The program is funded by organizations, churches, and philanthropic groups who believe in our Mission to equip this next gneration of Church & Ministry leaders. It is not "business as usual." God is doing a new thing, He is raising a standard among His people, a "plumbline" (Amos 7:7) that His people are aspiring to follow. There are followers of Christ who wish to be partakers of His Divine Nature, and understand we are suppose to be building the "Spiritual house of God, and that we are the Living stones who come together to be that Spiritual house, with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone, or, capstone of this Spiritual house.

There is a new Cohort being offered, starting next year at the end of January, 2010. For those prospective candidates that feel that they too are "Pregnant with Expectancy" may request an application for admittance into the next cohort. Call: 562 946 1410 for further information.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Whittier, CA

Praise Chapel in collaboration with
the LC Foundation &
FCCI Ministries
proudly announces
the establishment of the
Women's Home & Shelter of Whittier
Pastor Joey Alvarado and his wife Pastor Pauline Alvarado (Praise Chapel), Director of the New Women's Home & Shelter of Whittier, offers her best wishes, prayers, and appreciation to the LC Foundation Founder & Co-Founder, Dr. Ralph & Deborah Pacheco for supporting the newly established Women's Home & Shelter of Whittier.
"This is a dream and vision the Lord gave me, to open a Women's Home & Shelter that would meet the needs of women who are seeking to turn around their lives. God loves these women, and He desires to heal & restore their lives, He has a Divine Plan and a future for these women who come to us at the Women's Home & Shelter. I see it as a place of refuge, safety, and security, for women who have been 'battered & abused' ... They deserve a second chance at starting a new life. We hope to provide them that opportunity in this ministry," Says Pastor Pauline Alvarado.
"This is an opportunity for the Whittier community to come together to meet a serious need in our area, providing for battered, bruised, and abused women who have nowhere to turn..." Says, Dr. Ralph Pacheco, President /CEO of the LC Foundation and Senior Pastor of FCCI Ministries (Whittier, CA), "We have begun a fundraising campaign to establish the home, to provide support, and to sustain the work of this new Women's Home & Shelter. Some might say, 'I thought we already had adequate shelters available in our area for these women?' The answer to that question is 'No' there are long waiting lists at the present time for currently opened facilities, and there is no end in sight to filling the current need for battered women, even with this new Shelter."
"My prayer is that the good people of Whittier will open their hearts and pocket books to addressing this dire situation & crisis in our community. Our Foundation pledges to provide the expense of the initial "move-in" costs of the new Women's Home & Shelter, and will be encouraging other organizations and prominent citizens to step forward and offer seed monies and ongoing monthly pledges of support to sustain the Home." Says Dr. Pacheco, "At this time of year, when the Spirit of Giving is so prominent among people, I encourage those who share my view that these women who need a warm bed, a hot meal, and a roof over their heads will respond to the call for assistance and pitch in to help establish this new ministry to provide for these needy women."
For interested persons and benevolent organizations who desire helping in this effort they may contact, Dr. Ralph & Deborah Pacheco - The LC Foundation in Whittier - at: 562 946 1410, to offer their financial assistance and to make a pledge to help sustain the Women's Home & Shelter. Checks & pledges can be made out and sent to the: LC Foundation, 13502 Whittier Blvd., Suite H-321, Whittier, CA 90605. (All donations will be tax-deductable.)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Whittier, CA

God has filled us with Vision... As many know, Dr. Ralph Pacheco, Founder of FCCI Ministries and President of the Leadership Bible Institute has a vision of establishing a full fledged Bible College in 2010 / 2011.

"I have met with academic leaders like Dr. Robert Flores, President of Pacific Life Bible College (Four Square denomination), to discuss the work of the Leadership Institute and to foster a working relationship with Pacific Life This includes other Bible institutions of higher learning to express an interest in collaborating and sharing our vision for equipping the future leaders of God's Church and advancing the Kingdom of God." Says, Dr. Pacheco, "It is my life's work to establish leaders for this period of new Church plants and Ministries."

On the drawing board through the Leadership Capacity (LC) Foundation, Dr. Pacheco is working with other denominational leaders to establish "new church plants" in southern California. Most recently Dr. Pacheco was invited to sit in with the Strategic Planning Team for the 4 C's (Conservative Congregational Christian Churches) Church Planting Center in southern California. The 4 C's vision is to plant "60 churches" nationwide in the next 10 years, and 15 of those new churches are targetted for the greater Los Angeles basin area. "I was delighted to meet with Dr. Hamilton, the 4C's denomination's head of their new church planting initiative. I was honored to be invited by 4 C's pastor Dan Pryor (Whittier, CA) to serve as an advisor to him as he provides the leadership, counsel, and advice to the planning process here in southern California ." Says Dr. Pacheco, "It is truly an honor to have been asked to participate in the early planning stages."

As a result of the work of the Leadership Bible Institute, many potential church planters and ministry leaders have emerged from the Training Center. The next step for Dr. Pacheco and the LC Foundation is to strategically plan to establish the start-up of the "Five Fold Bible College." The LC Foundation will serve as the "catalyst" for developing and implementing The Five Fold Bible College plan. Dr. Pacheco plans to extend an invitation to Church and Ministry leaders from throughout southern California that shall serve as the Bible College Planning Committee / Task Force. This committee / task force ideally will include colleagues from Vanquard University, BIOLA University, Esther Mallett University, USC, Claremont Graduate School of Ministry, Vision University, Azusa Pacific University, Life Pacific Bible College, and Fuller Theological Seminary. Distinguished Church pastors and other Ministry leaders shall also be invited to serve on the Planning Committee / Task Force as well.

"For those who share a vision for preparing the next generation of Church leaders and Ministry leaders - Please join us ... For there are men & women of God who are not satisfied with the status quo, are seeking God's best, and believe the Lord is establishing a new dynamic way in His Church ... It is these Men and Women who are 'pregnant with expectancy' and are looking to be trained and established by anointed teachers and trainers that need be encouraged to participate in this endeavor... Would you like to participate with us?" States Dr. Pacheco.

The Committee / Task Force structure is scheduled to established in early 2010. and the work to be completed by late-2010 / early 2011. Initial Classes may be offered with enrollment for the Fall Semester 2010 period. Dr. Pacheco can be reached at FCCI Ministries: 562 946 1410.